Math Handbooks (and Reference Sheets)
The following handbooks are designed as references to enhance student understanding, and are not intended to be substitutes for textbooks. Click on the name of the handbook to access it.
- Pre‐Algebra Handbook version 2.5 – Covers math subjects for grades 6, 7 and 8.
- Algebra and PreCalculus Handbook version 3.5 – Covers two years of Algebra and one year of Pre-Calculus.
- Geometry Handbook version 4.2 – Covers High School Geometry.
- HSE Condensed Version of the Above Handbooks - a combination of the above handbooks, pared down to relate more directly to the High School Equivalency Exam.
- Trigonometry Handbook version 2.4 – Covers High School and College Trigonometry. Special thanks to Butterfly Hall for discovering and developing the Butterfly Method for solving the Ambiguous Triangle (Chapter 6).
- Calculus Handbook version 5.6 – Covers High School and College Calculus.
The handbooks and reference materials are provided in Adobe PDF format, so they can be read on a PCs, Macs, and most phones. Each is intended to be used as a reference, not as a substitute for attending class or doing homework, both of which are essential to high performance in a math class.
Download Instructions
When you click on one of the links above, a new window will open in your browser and the first page of the handbook will be displayed.
Save File: click on this icon (or other download icon, e.g. a down arrow) to download the file to your computer or other device.
Print File: opens the familiar print menu that allows you to print whichever pages you wish. You can also adjust the printer properties, print double sided, and print multiple copies, depending on the capabilities of your printer. Note: we suggest using a color printer, whenever possible, to get the full effect of the material.
How to Use the Materials Provided
You may choose print an entire handbook or set of reference sheets, but this may not be necessary. The materials are organized as student references. As much as possible, each subject area is covered concisely in one or two pages. So you can print out only the pages you need.
When you print, it is recommended that you use a color printer. For some pages, the use of color is essential to the point being made. By printing only the pages you need, you will avoid wasting paper, ink, and money.
The Table of Contents in each handbook is split into sections representing broad subject areas. The order of the chapters in each handbook generally (but not always) follows the order of the subjects taught in a typical high school math class. In addition, each handbook contains an index that can be used to look up subjects of interest to the student.
Suggestions for Improvement
We welcome any suggestions you may have regarding the improvement of the math handbooks. Let us know any pages that are hard to understand, any errors you find, any subjects you would like to see added, or any other ideas for improvement. Also, if you find the material useful, it would be nice to know that also. Email with your thoughts and comments. Have fun with your math and enjoy using the handbooks. Best wishes!